Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today I turn 27. It feels good to be a perfect cube.

I have to work from 3-11 but I got my new issue of new scientist on time today, so I'll have something good to read. I wanted to go someplace to get myself something fancy for lunch but I took too long writing a revision to my essay about dressing dogs in sweaters so i don't have time now. I can't think of what i'd want anyway. I'll probably get fried chicken and mashed potatoes somehow. I am also thinking strongly about buying myself a violin since my tax refund was generous. I can't decide between a viola or a violin, but it seems that a violin would be easier just because its smaller, and beginner ones are about a hundred bucks less than violas. The fiddle class that I wanted to take this term is exactly the same time as my physics lab, which is disappointing. Oh crap I have to be at the bus stop in ten minutes! Here's a current picture of me for posterity:

Chris Hedstrom, Age 27 years:

1 comment:

molby said...

blargh happy birthday!! im an idiot. was it good?? i hope so.