Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm at the mall again waiting for yolanda. I just got my computer back and I am sitting outside of the apple store, using their wifi whilst i wait. I figure that i should use the time while i am waiting to see if my screen is going to start flickering again while i am here, so i can take it back, but this time it was done instore, and the part they replaced is the "inverter" which message-board posters on the internet agree is the cause of the flickering. This last guy that helped me was really surprised and angry that they hadn't replaced that part yet, and this time it was done in store so it was finished pretty quickly (In and 12:30 pm mon, out at 10 am thursday). I would like to be optimistic about it, but who knows.

I am also trying to justify in my mind getting another ipod touch, to replace the one i lost. I really really really liked the one i had, but they are expensive. I checked to see if my renter's insurance would cover it, since it covers my computer if it's lost or stolen while on vacation, ut it says that it isn't. Plus there'd be a $250 deductible, if it was. Since i am giving up on the violin, the money i budgeted for that is open, but i have a habit of spending money when i have it instead of saving. The car needs an oil change, as well as new shocks. I'll also need a dedicated macro lens for my camera for the upcoming semester, where i'll be collecting and photographing insects for a pamphlet to be placed in Portland area parks. But boy, was i organized with that ipod!

jon's band was in town on tuesday. it's always good to see him. i wish he'd stick around in town longer!

1 comment:

JimmyB said...

They say the new iPhone's will be out in June. So I say just wait until those come out, cause then everyone will be wanting to get rid of their old ones as quick as they can. That's my plan anyway.