Monday, June 30, 2008

Hivey Dog

It's been hot here this weekend, hot enough that when the dog goes outside she gets hives. Danced like crazy on friday with yolanda, liam, kira, megan, and damon. it was a good time, though incredibly smelly on the dance floor. We also tried to play mini uno at the Bye and Bye but it was really difficult in the low light.

After this last quarter of chemistry, and the miserable failure of the ping pong table, I had to do some things to remind myself that I am good at something. So i worked on some other projects that I had been meaning to do.

First, I finished needle felting this goomba. There are a couple of NES characters that I wanted to do, specifically the Ice Climbers, and Goomba in a Kuribo shoe. The human characters like link and mario will probably look like shit needle felted, so I most likely won't do them. I did a Link, but he turned out weird. My Octorok is pretty good but not my favorite.

i also finally got around to trying out my Gocco printer. My first print was no good because the bulbs were bad and the copy was too moist (its a long explanation) but this one turned out pretty well. You can do two colors in one pass easily if they are far enough away. Supposedly you can reuse the screen but good luck washing oil based paint off of something made of cardboard. Overall though, far far easier than silkscreen, but you are limited to images that are 4x6. That's OK with me. Also the supplies are more scarce everyday as they don't make them anymore.

Also, it's strawberry season which means another batch of jam. This batch is Oregon Hood Strawberries, like last year. I am happy with this year's batch. It seems a little thinner than last year. I also don't think the berries were as good as last year. It's still tasty enough in my opinion that I ate about a half jar's worth with a spoon. This is the second year that I have made jam. I feel fortunate that I have never had any problems with the jars sealing, even though I don't have a canning pot and rack and all that expensive stuff that everybody says you need. I just invert the jars and they seal up fine (i didn't make up that technique). This year I am also going to make blackberry jam as soon as they are ready. The flowers are blossoming. Now they just need to be fruit. Liam and I found a cherry tree over on some school grounds about 3 blocks from our house and at a lot of them before I stepped in dog poo.

The Mole is on tonight. I am enjoying this season though everybody's pretty annoying so I don't really care who wins. I'm not reading the mole's blog on the website. I've managed to forget the clue that my sister posted without warning, except that it seemed to narrow it down to three people.


BCH said...

you can borrow our canning pot if you wanna. or not

molby said...

apparently that goomba was on your mantle and i didnt see it. nice work!

Cougar said...

Awesome Goomba, Chris! Make the kuribo's shoe please! I love that thing. Anyway, hope you're doing well. Miss reading your comics.