Sunday, June 15, 2008


I finished my last final on thursday, and I am not taking any classes over the summer. Suddenly I find myself with a lot of time monday thru thursday to do some things that I have been waiting to do. Time to ride around the back of a flatbed truck with refreshments:

to do (so far):
1)ping pong table
2)buy car
3)gocco prints
5)beat zeldas
6)quit job
7)go to california academy reopening

First on the agenda: Build a ping pong table. The one at Zack's Shack, a weiner/beer place on Hawthorne, has one built of plywood that works very well. I don't know why we didn't think of this before. We've talked about investing in ping pong tables, it didn't occur to us how easy building one will be. All it has to do is be flat. I plan on getting that done this week. We have a ton of outdoor enamel paint in our garage, so the table will most likely be robin's egg blue with dark brown lines. I wanted royal blue with yellow lines, but we don't have those colors. Get ready for fun-in-the-sun.




Also, I plan on playing oracle of ages, oracle of seasons, and majora's mask to completion. those are the three zelda games I haven't finished, except for twilight princess, but I won't beat that one because it's boring.

I'd also like to get some use out of my gocco printer and whip up some small prints. Yolanda and I also have two new 'zines in the works. I have to review my general biology textbook because i feel like I have forgotten most of it. Our trip to the opening of the california academy of sciences is in september. School starts september 29th.

1 comment:

BCH said...

wow thats awesome. i got mondays off now! my cowerkers and me talked the boss into hiring someone else so we could all take a day off. nobody wanted Monday but me. summer!
oh and how come you never told me about silver falls?